Cary Senior Portrait Photographer | Sam
May 18 | Evan | Comments Off on Cary Senior Portrait Photographer | Sam |
Sam, another athlete from Cary Academy, came across so confident and relaxed in his senior portrait session. Maybe it was because his older brother, a previous high school senior I took portraits of gave him a little advice! Whatever the case, Sam was a natural in front the camera and it was not hard to get natural looking senior portraits from the session.
2016 seniors in Cary, Raleigh, and Apex, now is a great time to Contact me for your high school senior portrait session! Book your senior portrait session early to reserve your date!
Cary Senior Portrait Photographer | Zak
May 17 | Evan | Comments Off on Cary Senior Portrait Photographer | Zak |
Zak is one of a few seniors that play baseball that came to me for their high school senior portraits. I’m not sure what it is, but the baseball players are always so cool, comfortable an easy going during their senior portrait sessions. I’m sure it’s somehow connected with the game they love to play! Zak was no different and we came away with some very natural senior portraits. Take a look at more of his senior portraits below!
2016 seniors in Cary, Raleigh, and Apex, now is a great time to Contact me for your high school senior portrait session! Book your senior portrait session early to reserve your date!
Raleigh Senior Portrait Session | Richard
May 16 | Evan | Comments Off on Raleigh Senior Portrait Session | Richard |
For Richard’s high school senior portraits we went to downtown Raleigh. While I know it wasn’t his preferred way to spend the little free time he has, Richard did a great job to help his senior portraits come out looking natural. It was easy to tell that he was comfortable shortly after we started the senior portrait session because his portraits and posing started looking more and more natural. Check out more of Richard’s senior portraits below:
2016 seniors in Cary, Raleigh, and Apex, now is a great time to Contact me for your high school senior portrait session! Book your senior portrait session early to reserve your date!
Cary Senior Portrait Photographer | Noelia
May 15 | Evan | Comments Off on Cary Senior Portrait Photographer | Noelia |
I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Noelia and her family since working together with her mom to try and help those in Northern Japan that were devastated by the 2011 Great Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami. Thankfully, on this portrait session, it was only about celebrating Noelia’s last year of high school and coming away with some great senior portraits for her and her family! As the senior portrait session went along, I could see Noelia’s confidence growing and her portraits started coming out more and more natural. Overall a lot of fun another great senior portrait session were the next portrait taken kept seeming to be even better than the previous portrait!
2016 seniors in Cary, Raleigh, and Apex, now is a great time to Contact me for your high school senior portrait session! Book your senior portrait session early to reserve your date!
Cary Senior Portrait Photographer | Martin
May 14 | Evan | Comments Off on Cary Senior Portrait Photographer | Martin |
There are some high school seniors that are so comfortable in front of the camera it’s really impressive! Martin certainly fits into that category. He reminded me of another high school senior portrait session, because of his confidence but still very humble and always respectful when I see him at Cary Academy. While I’m sure taking senior portraits wouldn’t be his ideal choice for the limited free time he has, I think he had fun by the end of the senior portrait session and ended up liking the way his senior portraits came out!
2016 seniors in Cary, Raleigh, and Apex, now is a great time to Contact me for your high school senior portrait session! Book your senior portrait session early to reserve your date!
Cary Senior Portrait Photographer | Julia
May 13 | Evan | Comments Off on Cary Senior Portrait Photographer | Julia |
Julia’s high school senior portrait session was one of the earlier sessions of the year, in the begging of August, when the weather in Raleigh isn’t particularly pleasant! Somehow she managed to keep her cool and look great in her senior portraits! As the portrait session went along, I could see Julia becoming more and more comfortable in front the lens and by the end of her senior session, she seemed to anticipate what I was going to tell her and how to pose. Her confidence showed through and helped her senior portraits look very natural! Check out her great portraits below:
2016 seniors in Cary, Raleigh, and Apex, now is a great time to Contact me for your high school senior portrait session! Book your senior portrait session early to reserve your date!
Cary Senior Portrait Photographer | Hannah
May 12 | Evan | Comments Off on Cary Senior Portrait Photographer | Hannah |
Hannah was another high school senior that I could tell from the start was super excited her senior portrait session in Raleigh. Hannah picked out two great locations for her senior portraits and was eager to include important parts of her musical and athletic sides as well. I not sure how she wasn’t exhausted by the end of the senior portrait session, or maybe she was just great at hiding it until the end, but we got great portraits from the start to the end of her high school senior portrait session!
2016 seniors in Cary, Raleigh, and Apex, now is a great time to Contact me for your high school senior portrait session! Book your senior portrait session early to reserve your date!
Cary Senior Portrait Photographer | Grace
May 11 | Evan | Comments Off on Cary Senior Portrait Photographer | Grace |
Like another high school senior earlier in the year, Grace had some extra family members come for her senior portrait session in Raleigh. It’s always nice to have siblings, friends, parents help to carry outfits and such if we need to as long as it isn’t too overwhelming for the senior! Grace did a great job with all that was going on during her senior portrait session and was kind enough to allow us to take a few portraits with her brother and sister…. and they even look like they get along in the portrait! In all seriousness though, it was another great senior portrait session and I was really happy with the way the portraits turned out!
2016 seniors in Cary, Raleigh, and Apex, now is a great time to Contact me for your high school senior portrait session! Book your senior portrait session early to reserve your date!
Cary Senior Portrait Photographer | Emily
May 10 | Evan | Comments Off on Cary Senior Portrait Photographer | Emily |
One of the reasons I love taking high school senior portraits is that the portraits have a lot of meaning to the seniors. Whether they will admit it or not (thinking of guys here–I’m sure when was a high school senior I wouldn’t admit it!), the senior portraits are very important to high school seniors and their families! From the first contact I had with Emily and her family, I knew that senior portraits were very important to her! She was enthusiastic and involved in all parts of planning which helped us to come away with some fantastic senior portraits! As you would expect, she was super comfortable in front of the camera it really shows in the senior portraits from her session in Raleigh below:
2016 seniors in Cary, Raleigh, and Apex, now is a great time to Contact me for your high school senior portrait session! Book your senior portrait session early to reserve your date!
Cary Senior Portrait Photographer | Colin
May 09 | Evan | Comments Off on Cary Senior Portrait Photographer | Colin |
Colin’s senior portrait session was one of the first ones of the class of 2015 and like most days in Cary during the middle/late July, the weather was hot! Colin was still able to stay cool throughout the session allowing us to get some great senior portraits. While we didn’t do anything with it for his senior portrait session, Colin is a good tennis player so I’ve seen him play a bit over the years and it was really nice to see his personality and meeting his parents off the court. It was fun time and wonderful senior portrait session… even with the hot North Carolina weather!
2016 seniors in Cary, Raleigh, and Apex, now is a great time to Contact me for your high school senior portrait session! Book your senior portrait session early to reserve your date!
Cary Senior Portrait Photographer | Cole
May 09 | Evan | Comments Off on Cary Senior Portrait Photographer | Cole |
We took Cole’s high school senior portraits in Cary in the Lochmere area and tennis courts. I love taking portraits on places like tennis courts and tracks where we can use some of the great lines and feel from the sport, without having the senior portraits in athletic clothes. I tend to like mixing things that don’t normally go together, for example, a button up shirt on the tennis court! The senior portraits, both on and off the tennis court, came out great, mostly thanks to Cole’s easy going and confident personality! Check out his senior portraits below:
2016 seniors in Cary, Raleigh, and Apex, now is a great time to Contact me for your high school senior portrait session! Book your senior portrait session early to reserve your date!
Cary Senior Portrait Photographer | Charlie
May 08 | Evan | Comments Off on Cary Senior Portrait Photographer | Charlie |
Usually I blog about the senior portraits in the order the senior portrait sessions occur, but if you couldn’t tell so far, for the 2015 seniors I decided to post them in alphabetical order. No real reason! Anyway, next up is Charlie, another Cary Academy high school senior in the class of 2015 that was extremely comfortable in front of the camera. We took Charlie’s senior portraits at Prestonwood Golf Club in Cary, which makes for a fantastic backdrop for any kind of portraits, especially senior portraits! Charlie didn’t need much time adjusting to being in front of the camera which led us to create some great senior portraits for him and his family.
2016 seniors in Cary, Raleigh, and Apex, now is a great time to Contact me for your high school senior portrait session! Book your senior portrait session early to reserve your date!
Cary Senior Portrait Photographer | Casey
May 07 | Evan | Comments Off on Cary Senior Portrait Photographer | Casey |
The 2015 senior portrait class was filled with siblings from previous years of photographing high school seniors and Casey is included in that group! Casey’s older sister was one of the first high school seniors that trusted me to take her senior portraits! While I know it wasn’t Casey’s favorite thing to do, he did take some great senior portraits. He is a really good baseball player and I think the confidence from playing baseball shows through in his portraits! Not too long after taking his senior portraits, I saw Casey sporting an awesome mohawk and while I understand that mom probably wouldn’t have been too happy, part of me wished he had done so before the senior session! Of course I’m only half serious!!
2016 seniors in Cary, Raleigh, and Apex, now is a great time to Contact me for your high school senior portrait session! Book your senior portrait session early to reserve your date!
Cary Senior Portrait Photographer | Caroline
May 06 | Evan | Comments Off on Cary Senior Portrait Photographer | Caroline |
Caroline is the younger sister of previous high school senior I took portraits of a few years back. When I took her brother’s senior portraits, he had an arm injury that led us to hide one of his arms for the entire senior session and then we had another senior portrait session in the Fall. For Caroline, we didn’t know at the time of the session, but it turns out she had a concussion not too long before her senior portraits and while mom knew she wasn’t 100%, didn’t know why! It wasn’t until afterwards we found out about the concussion, which makes her great senior portraits even more impressive! So, I think this family might want to not schedule portrait sessions with me too far in advance anymore, but we still had a great senior portrait session!
2016 seniors in Cary, Raleigh, and Apex, now is a great time to Contact me for your high school senior portrait session! Book your senior portrait session early to reserve your date!