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    Sports Photographer  |  Maryland vs UNC
    Sports Photographer  |  Discover Orange Bowl
    Sports Photographer  |  UM vs UNC
    Sports Photographer  |  GT vs UNC
    2012 - 2013 Sports Photography
    Sports Photographer  |  NCSU vs UNC
  • 2012 – 2013 Sports Photography

    Apr 25 | Evan | No Comments |

    It’s been a great sports season so far!  Once again, I had the privilege to take photos at UNC, NCSU and Duke basketball and football games, as well as the Carolina Hurricanes and Carolina Panthers.  I had quite a few photos published online on various websites from small town publications to ESPN.com an SI.com.  Also had some photos published in ESPN the Magazine and Sports Illustrated, including a two page feature in SI’s “leading off” pages.  My personal highlight was photographing the ACC tournament and being on the court photographing (and celebrating with in spirit) when the school I graduated from won their first ACC Championship (go canes)!  Below are a few of  my favorites that were published:

    Sports Photographer | Maryland vs UNC

    Feb 29 | Evan | No Comments |

    I don’t mind when teams break out special uniforms for games.  In fact, I wouldn’t mind seeing different shoes or jerseys more often.  As you can tell by the design of this website, I’m a fan of the color grey.  So it should come to no surprise that I loved the all grey UNC jerseys!  Senior night at UNC was a great one to photograph.

    Sports Photographer | GT vs UNC

    Jan 30 | Evan | No Comments |

    The Georgia Tech vs University of North Carolina basketball game was part of The American Cancer Society’s Coaches vs. Cancer program.  Carolina was sporting pink Air Jordans which looked great (but I’m glad they didn’t go with pink uniforms like they went with all grey for senior night).  Like most basketball games, it was fun photographing this game as well and it’s always good when we can raise awareness for something like cancer research.

    Sports Photographer | NCSU vs UNC

    Jan 26 | Evan | No Comments |

    Rivalry games are always fun to photograph.  When NCSU and UNC play, there is certainly a little more atmosphere in the Dean E. Smith Center than other games, besides the Duke game anyway!  I’ve always felt that fans care way more about rivalries than the actually players do, I guess fan is short for fanatic!

    Sports Photographer | UM vs UNC

    Jan 10 | Evan | No Comments |

    As a University of Miami graduate but being born and raised a Tarheel, it’s always bittersweet for me when these two teams play.  In football, I usually end of rooting for whichever team has the best chance to make a good bowl game, but it always seems like the underdog is always ruining the other teams season, making it worse for me.  In basketball, I just hope for a good game and can find something good about either team winning!  The image above was picked up by ESPN on their UNC Basketball Blog.

    Sports Photographer | Discover Orange Bowl

    Jan 08 | Evan | No Comments |

    The third and final bowl game for me in Florida was The Discover Orange Bowl, in my old stomping grounds, Miami, Florida.  Of course when I was in Miami, The Hurricanes were still playing in the real Orange Bowl, but that is a story for another day.  The story here was that apparently Clemson didn’t get the memo that they needed to be ready to play because WVU completely dominated them.  Not a fun day for an ACC fan but at least the photo above got picked up by Sports Illustrated. Wish I had some way to let the girl from West Virginia University know that she is now an official “super fan” and got her 15 minutes of semi-fame now!   I also photographed the Champs Sports Bowl and Capital One Bowl, both in Orlando .

    Sports Photographer | Capital One Bowl

    Jan 02 | Evan | No Comments |

    The second of three NCAA bowl games I photographed was the Capital One Bowl between South Carolina and Nebraska.  I enjoyed taking photos at this game a lot more than I thought I would considering I had no particular interest in either team, but perhaps that’s better!  I also photographed the Champs Sports Bowl in Orlando and Orange Bowl in Miami.

    Sports Photographer | Champs Sports Bowl

    Dec 30 | Evan | No Comments |

    Anytime I can go to Florida during the winter is a good time.  Even better when I get to go for work and photograph NCAA Bowl Games, like the Champs Sports Bowl featuring FSU and Notre Dame.  AND even better when Sports Illustrated uses a photo of mine for an article written by Andy Staples.  I also photographed the Capital One Bowl in Orlando and Orange Bowl in Miami.

    Sports Photographer | UNC vs Texas

    Dec 22 | Evan | No Comments |

    Another day, another UNC basketball game to photograph!  That dunk above by P.J. Hairston was one of the sickest dunks I have seen in person in a while.  I almost just got up and left after that dunk because I knew if that was I all I could see for the night, I was satisfied!  Great game!

    Sports Photographer | Atlanta Falcons vs Carolina Pathers

    Dec 13 | Evan | No Comments |

    The previous Carolina Panthers game I photographed for Cal Sport Media was hot and we had a huge rain storm but the Panthers got the win.  This time, bitterly cold, windy and Panthers lost.  Still got some great photos though!  Like the one above which was featured on Zuma’s Press’s site as one of their pictures of the day.  Here are a few of my favorites:

    Sports Photographer | UNC vs Wisconsin

    Nov 30 | Evan | No Comments |

    I love my job. While football season was fun, since I grew up playing basketball, in the middle of ACC country, I’m always looking forward to basketball season.  The UNC vs Wisconsin game was the first game of the season for me, and a great way to start!  The featured image on this post was also picked up by Sports Illustrated’s Photo Blog which is always cool.

    Sports Photographer | Duke vs UNC Football

    Nov 27 | Evan | No Comments |

    Not sure if I will go to a bowl game, so the Duke at UNC football may be the last NCAA football I photograph this season. I’ve enjoyed getting back to my roots of sports photography, especially college football which has a great atmosphere! Next football game is Atlanta at Carolina Panthers, anyone else going?

    Sports Photographer | Carolina Hurricanes Hockey

    Nov 27 | Evan | No Comments |

    I’ve photographed a few Carolina Hurricanes Hockey games for Cal Sport Media and I decided to just combine two in one blog post.  Haven’t had too many chances to photograph ice hockey, so it’s always fun to try something new!

    Sports Photography | Miami Hurricanes vs UNC Tarheels

    Oct 18 | Evan | No Comments |

    I couldn’t have asked for more perfect weather for football than what we had last Saturday in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.  About 70, beautiful Carolina Blue Skies, no humidity, just perfect.  As somebody that grew up as a Tarheel, then went to the University of Miami for undergrad, when Miami and UNC play, I am always a little torn.  I usually root for whichever team is having the better season so at least one of them can have a better chance to get a BCS, but it usually turns out they always ruin each other’s season.  That being said, I’m never sad to see Miami win!  Thanks again to Cal Sport Media for having me photograph for them.

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